WordPress theme for Physiotherapy

premium WordPress theme for physical therapy on Themeforest


Duminică, Luni
Marți - Vineri
10:00 am - 18:00 pm
10:00 am - 14:00 pm

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Meet our doctors

This is our medical physiotherapy team

Carmen Ginghină

Carmen Ginghină

asistent medical generalist / podolog

Alina Mitrache

Alina Mitrache

asistent medical generalist

Andreea Sivriu

Andreea Sivriu

licențiată biologie, tehnician pedichiură

Ioana Cioancă

Ioana Cioancă


Physiotherapy Services

bWelcome to Physiotherapy

WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.

bWelcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.

aWelcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.

4Welcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.

Welcome to Physiotherapy – WordPress theme for physical therapy. This is niche specific WordPress theme for physiotherapy on Themeforest. Theme has two premium plugins: Visual Composer and Timetable Schedule and two premium jQuery galleries: Isotope filterable gallery and Flickity carousel integrated as custom post types. Theme has important features for physiotherapy (and medical) niche like: doctors timetable schedule, appointment, services, working schedule, testimonials, and all other standard theme features as galleries, sliders, blog pages, inner pages, contact, team etc.

Un centru medical la standarde europene cu personal medical profesionist. Recomand cu căldură Pedichiură medicală Constanța.
Adrian Ciutura – Facebook review
testimonial 3
Recomand cu toată încrederea! Profesionalism, amabilitate, mediu plăcut! Am evitat o experiență traumatizantă la un chirurg și am rezolvat cu succes o pedichiură efectuată greșit. Mulțumesc din suflet!!!
Laura Gherghișan – Facebook review

testimonial 4
Sunt profesioniști.
Sigur nu mai găsești în Constanța pe cineva ca ei.
Am rezolvat la ei o problemă de unghii care persistă de 1 an de zile.
Ei au rezolvat-o în 20 minute.
Sunt extraordinari!
Bravoooo lor
Vivi Vivi –  Google review
testimonial 2
Profesionism și blândețe! Fetița noastră a avut probleme cu unghiile încarnate de la picioare și s-a rezolvat foarte repede, fără durere cu multă blândețe și răbdare din partea personalului. Cabinetul arată foarte bine și este foarte curat. Recomand !!!
Adrian Radu –  Google review

testimonial 1

Order an appointment here

Isotope filterable gallery

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